lunedì 2 giugno 2014


Well... Lately we've seen this #idressformyself hashtag everywhere in the gyaru comm and i'm really happy and proud as i truly believe in this ideal: I do believe we should dress how we want as much as i truly believe we should wear clothes that make us happy and not just wear something to please others. I don't wear sexy clothes because i want a stranger to look at me and make some nasty compliment, i do wear them because i do think that my body is the house of my soul and i want to garnish it how i want! 
Again I do believe i can talk how i want, act how i want, think what i want and so on, i do have to act as i really am because that's the only way to be happy... As I always say i'm from a country where you can't even show your hair so that i know how important is the possibility to show who you are with no fear of punishments.
What makes me a bit upset is that i've just realised there're some girls who think this is just a trend with no ideal made just to show their perfect body and such... and again i'm a bit disappointed. Of course that's your body and you can do what you want (i'm not against boobs or nudes ahahah) but i don't really understand how you can tag a pic with this hashtag and shame someone's body after some minutes. Be coherent! 
I don't want to make a fuss about this, though, as i want to be positive about this trend and i hope it will soon spread worldwide!

And now spam pics!

Bye everyone be yourself and get wild & be sexy<3

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