Now that i could change my treatment i've finally manage to lose lots of weight! I really don't want to write about my diet because i think it could be annoying(but if you want it, you can ask it in a comment and i'll send it to you) and because losing weight is something really personal and it changes from people to people, but i want to write that you can do it, its not hard at all and you just have to believe in yourself. Sometimes you'll be hungry and sometimes you'll just want to stop cause it seems that nobody can see the changes, but that's not true. Work hard and harder and you'll finally become as beautiful as you'd like to be.
However you also need to realize that losing weight won't make you happy, it's not mandatory... It's not being thin as hell that creates happiness, you just need to feel beautiful, and you can do it weighting 100kg or 50! Now that i've said everything that needs to be said let's start with my tips:
- stop drinking alcohol and soft drinks for a while... i'm starting with this rule because it is the one that'll make you lose immediately lots of weight! Alcohol and drinks like coke or such are really bad for your health because they are really caloric, and you won't lose weight if you carry on drinking beer or cocktails! I'm sorry but you just won't!!! I know it can be a bit difficult to do at first, especially if you go out with people who drinks a lot, but you're fighting your war, and sometimes you'll find some obstacles! If you have good friends they'll just avoid asking you if you want to drink something! I swear i love beer but now that i've seen how much i've changed i can avoid drinking alcohol if i can just have a talk and drink some water or an ice tea!
- Walk, walk and walk... Sometimes we're just too lazy to walk, we prefer taking a taxy, the car or a bus... But this won't help you! Try to walk at least for 30minutes everyday and you'll see the difference! If you just can't walk try to make some exercises, i'd reccomend this youtube page, it's full of great exercises!! i know you'd like to start with this one, but really it's impossible to do at the beginning, try first those 10 minutes exercises, such as this, this, this or this (all together are 35 minutes of exercises, pretty good for a beginner and not that hard to make!). We aren't a super hero, we must work hard but not killing ourself! From little to little we will create the perfect body!!
- Choose one day of the week and eat everything you want, there must be a free day, this will help your metabolism!
- Eat 3 times a day, have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner, it's useless to avoid a meal, you may think it will help you cause you're eating less... but that's not true!
- Eat colorful food and avoi "white" food: colorful food are vegetables, fish and meat, and avoid carbohydrates (pasta, pizza, bread, rice): this doesn't mean you must stop eating pasta or such but that you must eat less carbohydrates, like once or twice a week!
- If you're a worker or a student like me don't buy your food outside, prepare it in the morning or the evening before, you'll eat ealthier!
I guess i really don't have other tips but if you have one please share them with us!!
Have a pinkastic day again gals, love ya
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