domenica 6 ottobre 2013

Romics pt 2 and agejo inspired outfit!

Hello gals!!! 
Yesterday i went to Romics again with my lovely aunt, it was her first time there and even though there were too many people we really enjoyed going there together!! I wasn't feeling really well because of the surgery and because of this i decided to wear an agejo outfit (inspired), since i wanted to feel good and sexy! I was quite surprised because lots of people asked me to take a pic of the outfit... and i was like "i'm not even a cosplayer!!", however it still made me happy! I had some problems with my prisila half wig, though.... there were really too many people and for no reason everyone wanted to touch my hair (creepy) and they ruined my hairdo è_é9
Lol i really don't know how to take pics, i always try funny poses... but i just look silly!! I also need to say that i'll have to lose some more weight to wear a ma*rs outfit, again... But i couldn't wait any longer to wear this set, it's so cute ;3;
 My boyfriend didn't come with us but we went eating sushi together after the convention! He really dislikes places full of people... And i just have to admit that after this convention i hate them, too!!
I know that my food pics aren't that interesting but... i really love sushi ;3;

I ate gyoza and chirachi, omg i love chirachi, why can't i eat sushi and sashimi everyday?!
I also have some face pics to show... i will learn one day how to take selfie without looking dumb, but not now!!!

Of course i still have to improve a lot, i need to buy something for my hair (as my friend Qweena has suggested) and some other accessories... and of course i also have to work on my makeup, but i'm hopefully getting better everytime and it makes me really happy!
Thanks for reading, have a pinkastic new week, love you!

6 commenti:

  1. che carina^w^! il coord di ma*rs ti sta un amore...beate voi magre che vi entra xD.

    1. grazieee ma non sono esattamente magra anzi devo perdere ancora tanti chili ;3; però le continue diete sembrano fare effetto hahahaah <3

  2. hi girl,
    I love your blog soooo much its sooooo cute!! <333
    If you want you can follow me too ^w^

    1. thank you so much sweetie <3 i'm already following you and i love your blog so much *^* <3

  3. Jazzzz OMG ti sta benissimo seriamente quel set di ma*rs!!!! Anche io ce l'ho ma ho le manigliette ç___ç e devo dimagrire per farmelo stare senza difetto sui fianchi ahahhahah xD poi la gonna è super corta, ma lo adoro *ç*!!! Sei bellissima seriously!

    Io non riesco però a followarti tramite blogger ma solo con bloglovin'

    1. ma che strano che non ci riesci ahhhh dovrò vedere che problema ha blogspot ;4; comunque grazieeeee ma anche io ho le manigliette e faccio di tutto per nasconderle hahahahaahah


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